Origin Story (from July 2019)
July 13th, 2019 marks the first anniversary of when I started HORRID Magazine. It was a Friday the 13th, and I had just mailed out fifteen copies of the first issue, printed at home and hand stapled on the floor of my home office. Each issue was 20 pages, and I probably threw away 50 pages of misprints. I really didn’t know what I was doing when I started. I definitely never imagined utilizing what I learned from my bookmaking class in college, it was my least favorite class, afterall.
Here we are, the first July 13th since I mailed out the issue about the little girl, with the little curl. The first volume contained twelve issues, and dozens of collaborations with artists on topics like mental illness, ghosts, and aliens from different dimensions. It quickly became an international publication, with subscribers around the world, from San Francisco to Switzerland, from Great Britain to Canada.
Today, I release the platform that will help HORRID grow and reach its full potential. Horridmagazine.com is a fully immersive website with many new exciting features for subscribers and fans of HORRID. Besides subscribing monthly directly on the site, you can also purchase individual issues, all the way back to the beginning.
One of my favorite parts of the website, however, is the blog and submission features. You can now submit your dark art directly on the website. Each month, submitters will be chosen to be featured both in the print publication and on the blog. HORRID is more than just a zine made in my home office now. I wanted to create a community; a place where dark artists can be seen and heard and discussions about hard topics like mental illness can have a platform.
I could not be more excited to see where HORRID goes from here, and I am honored that you want to join me in bringing the darkness to light.
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